Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deanna Jump

So, I have been introduced to the activities of Deanna Jump, and let me just tell you, I LOVE THEM!!!!  Last Friday, I decided that we would do our scarecrow that came in her packet.  It turned out so cute.  The kids LOVED it!!  We talked about different types of graphs, and charts.  We also discussed how we used them to organize our thoughts.  We than filled out our charts, and learned all about scarecrows.  The kid-os loved them.  After we filled everything out, we worked on writing in our books.  We have been talking about s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out our letters, so that we know how to spell them.  That is what we did on the rest of the book.  For example the sentence was, "you scared a ______ but you didn't scare me!"  There was a picture of a cat, so they had to stretch the word cat, and spell it.  They loved it.  When we finished making our books we attatched them to our scarecrows that we made.  The scarecrows turned out SO cute, and the kids are already begging me to let them take them home.  So, if you have not checked out Deanna Jump at teachers pay teachers, she has some AWESOME stuff!!!! here is an example of the book. I don't have pics of the scarecrows on my iPad, but I will post those SOON!!


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